Wednesday 4 February 2015

Marking students' work

My group B Geography 3 had to write about two solutions to overcome negative effects of population growth. Since we started implementing new system at school early this year, this is the first time I asked my students to write their answer in paragraphs and in English. Last year, all they had to do to answer Geography questions was circle the selected answers. They could do that even without thinking! Now, they are practising thinking to answer.

And when I said I want the answer in English, no one in my group B Geography 3 class complained. They did fret because I asked them to write in proper paragraphs, with introduction, bodies and conclusion. Once I explained the step-by-step to do it, slowly one by one started seeing light. Some were still struggling and I can't expect more since they are not used to the way of answering question that way.

Hope it get better every time.

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